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A Great Start in Ireland!

Posted 24th June, 2021

Southern Ireland Blade Repairs

Trials and Tribulations

  • After being awarded a contract to repair wind turbine blades on multiple sites across Southern Ireland, it soon became apparent that getting the project started was going to be extremely testing. Brexit and Covid-19 were not going to let it be an easy ride. Covid-19 tests and isolations slowing things down even further.

  • CVS Energy management worked hard to get past all of the red tape and new ever changing rules and regulations and the work started only 2 weeks behind schedule, the main delays were caused by high winds. The project is now running smoothly and the client is very happy with current progress.

"Cli­mate is what we expect, weath­er is what we get!"

Mark Twain
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Wind, Wind, Wind!!!

The weather in Ireland so far has not been in our favour, after an awful start due to high winds and rain, the sun is finally starting to shine and good progress in being made. Here you can see Steven carrying out a blade tip repair on a Vestas turbine in the very South East of Ireland.

"After all of the chal­lenges that Brex­it and Coivid-19 have thrown at us at Wind­tex this year, it’s great to see the tech­ni­cians being moti­vat­ed and high­ly pro­duc­tive, espe­cial­ly in Ireland!"

James Rothwell Rope Access Project Manager

Blade Repair in Style!!

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